How VR is changing firefighting training

BlogApril 11th, 2024

Traditional firefighting training methods have been indispensable in equipping firefighters with the skills needed to tackle the unpredictable nature of fires. Despite the value in these exercises, traditional practices are not without their limitations, particularly in replicating the diverse and complex scenarios firefighters may encounter. This gap has paved the way for virtual reality (VR) technology, a solution that is poised to revolutionise firefighter training.

Moving beyond conventional training, our approach leverages an in-depth understanding of the challenges firefighters face. THE FLAIM Trainer VR solution is a step towards transforming firefighter training methodology. Our goal is to offer an immersive learning environment that mirrors real-life scenarios within a safe environment, allowing firefighters to navigate the unpredictability of fires in a controlled setting. This innovation enables the refinement of skills and testing of decisions without the physical risks associated with real fires.

Customisable training scenarios and portability

One of the key advantages of VR training is its ability to simulate complex fire scenarios in a safe and controlled manner. Trainees can experience the heat, smoke, and unpredictability of a fire in a safe and controlled environment. This enhances learning outcomes, whilst reducing the physical risks and costs associated with traditional fire training methods.

VR firefighter training delivers greater flexibility to firefighters around the world, offering an on demand training solution that can be used at any time, any place. Scenarios can be easily modified to reflect different types of fires and environments, from residential buildings to forest fires, allowing firefighters to gain a wide range of experience suitable to the nature of their job. The portability of the platform means it can be easily transported between facilities A sub 10 minute set up time makes it possible to train more people in less time, which represents an advantage to remote and understaffed teams, such as in the case of the Remote Area Group.

Risk reduction and environmental benefits

Although a crucial part of firefighter training, live fire training poses the risk of burns and smoke inhalation as well as pollution. The implementation of VR reduces these environmental and physical risks by allowing students to acquire and practice skills before the live fire event. This allows them to get the most out of their live fire training event.



While traditional training methods can be costly, requiring heavy logistics, infrastructure, equipment and consumable materials, VR training represents a sustainable and financially viable solution to skills acquisition and maintenance. With VR firefighter training, students can benefit from practising in a range of scenarios. Organisations can deliver repeatable training without incurring additional costs.

The future of firefighting training

As VR technology continues to evolve, its role in firefighting training is set to become even more significant. The potential for VR to revolutionise how firefighters are trained is now apparent, offering not just improved safety and efficiency but also a depth of learning that was previously unattainable. At FLAIM, we’re excited to spearhead a shift towards embracing technology that better prepares individuals for the complexities and dangers of  firefighting.

Interested in exploring how FLAIM’s VR training solutions can benefit your organisation? Want to book a demo? Get in touch with our team now.