Why use VR in firefighter training?

BlogApril 11th, 2024

Traditional live fire training methods have long been the backbone in preparing firefighters for the unpredictable nature of their work. With the ability to mirror elements of real-life firefighting, live fire training is crucial in equipping firefighters with the skills and situational awareness needed to combat a fire safely and effectively.  However, these traditional methods come with limitations, including difficulty in replicating the full spectrum of fire scenarios a firefighter might encounter. Enter the FLAIM Trainer virtual reality (VR) firefighter training platform, a revolutionary tool that is transforming the landscape of firefighter training.

Stepping away from traditional training methods, our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the challenges and realities firefighters face. Our VR solution acts as an enhancement of existing training, whilst equipping firefighters with accessible feels-real firefighter training for dangerous and difficult-to replicate operations.

We’re passionate about providing an immersive learning environment that closely mirrors real-life scenarios in a safe and controlled environment. It’s about allowing skills acquired and refined, and decisions tested without the immediate physical risks and exposure to hazardous fumes.

Immersive learning experience

With VR technology, we have the unique ability to offer realistic training environments that closely mimic actual fire situations. Trainees can be exposed to a wide range of scenarios, including those rare or too dangerous to replicate in real life, such as chemical spills or electrical fires. This variety ensures that when faced with such situations in the real world, firefighters are better prepared, having experienced a situation that resembles a fire as close to reality as possible without being exposed to its actual dangers.

Risk reduction and environmental benefits

The safety benefits of VR training cannot be overstated. Traditional live fire training carries inherent risks, from burns to smoke inhalation. VR eliminates these physical risks, allowing firefighters to focus on learning and honing their skills in a controlled environment. The ability to simulate intense situations without real-world consequences also offers psychological benefits, helping to prepare individuals and teams mentally for the challenges they will face in live fire training and real life firefighting.

The ability for firefighters to acquire skills using immersive learning offers significant environmental benefits by reducing the need for materials and minimising the pollutants released into the atmosphere during traditional live fire exercises. This aspect aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability within all sectors, including emergency services.


The FLAIM Trainer is intended to help students get the very most out of critical live fire training. These events are often expensive, requiring heavy logistics and transportation to specific facilities, infrastructure and live fire equipment and consumable materials and refills. To ensure students have the skills needed, the FLAIM Trainer delivers a solution that helps students practice skills, on demand, anywhere, any time. Students can run through a range of suitable scenarios. The CFA and Fire Rescue NSW are two examples of Australian organisations already benefiting from implementing the FLAIM Trainer into their training programs.

Customisable training scenarios and global accessibility

When we look at the range of firefighting department applications across the globe, from Naval through to Industrial Firefighting, it is evident that each department has a unique set of challenges. To continue to deliver purposeful firefighter training, FLAIM offers tailored scenarios to meet specific learning objectives or local environments. This customisation ensures that training is relevant and directly applicable to the firefighters’ potential real-life experiences. These scenarios can be easily updated or modified, keeping training materials current with the latest firefighting techniques and knowledge.

We strive to make high-quality training accessible to departments regardless of location, ensuring that even remote or under-resourced teams can benefit from advanced training tools. This global accessibility is crucial for raising the overall safety and performance of fire and emergency response teams.

Enhanced learning outcomes

The effectiveness of VR training is supported by evidence showing improved decision-making, situational awareness, and reaction times among trainees. VR also offers the potential for personalised feedback and performance tracking, enabling a more focused and individualised training approach. These enhanced learning outcomes translate into better-prepared personnel who are equipped to handle emergencies efficiently and safely, a key driver behind adoption from public, defence and private sector emergency teams all over the world.

If you’re looking to explore how VR can enhance your team’s training programs, or would like to book a demonstration, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.